FAQ After Purchasing a 12 foot Skeleton & Friends

Q. Other people’s items have shipped and my order still says “processing”, should I be worried?

A. No! Be patient. Every order isn’t going to ship at the time or even the same day as someone else’s. When an order ships can depend on a lot of different things and not anything that is cause for concern.

Q. My 12 foot Skelly has a crack down his spine, is this normal?

A. Yes! It is not an actual crack and every Skelly manufactured has it.

Q. How large is Skelly’s box?

A. The box is 40”W x 44”D x 27” tall. Measure the cargo space of your vehicle before going to Home Depot to pick up your Skelly. Some Skelly owners opt to remove their Skelly from the box in the parking lot to fit it into the vehicle. If you decide to do this make sure you take Skelly’s power cord with you. It has often been left in the box by mistake and then the box is disposed of at Home Depot. If you don’t have a vehicle that the will accommodate this large box you may also OPT to rent a truck from Home Depot in order to transport your new friend home.

Q. My charge was pending on my bank account and now it isn’t, has my order been cancelled?

A. No, your order has not been cancelled. When you make your purchase(s) Home Depot will put a hold on the funds until your item ships. That hold may fall off and then be replaced by a permanent charge when your order ships. If you had your item shipped to the store your card may not be permanently charged until you pick up your item. We do not recommend reaching out to customer service via chat. They want to solve your problem and in trying to be helpful they have cancelled many people’s orders and once it is cancelled it can’t be fixed if the inventory is sold out. Be patient! The orders will work themselves out.


Frequently Asked Questions for Purchasing a 12 foot Skeleton & Friends